Katarina Raabe, PharmD, BCPS
PGY1 Residency Program Director
Rotation(s): Internal Medicine
Rotation Description: Residents will have the opportunity to develop clinical skills in providing pharmaceutical care to adult medicine patients including pharmacotherapy consults, pharmacokinetic analysis, drug information, chronic disease state management and intensive monitoring of patients. Primary resident responsibilities include developing an adult internal medicine knowledge base pertaining to common disease states, reviewing medication profiles, assessing medication regimens and participating in interdisciplinary care. Residents will also gain exposure to and develop rapports with the Novant Health Inpatient Care Specialists team of providers.
Email: kraabe@novanthealth.org

Jana Sigmon, PharmD, BCCCP
PGY1 Residency Program Coordinator
Rotation(s): Investigational Drug Services
Rotation Description: The Investigational Drug Services (IDS) rotation aims to familiarize residents with the role of the IDS pharmacist within a clinical research team. Residents will gain exposure to general, pediatric, and oncology studies while engaging in operations such as inventory management and drug dispensing. Opportunities may also include participation in site initiation visits, monitor visits, and the development of educational and procedural materials for new studies.
Email: jlsigmon@novanthealth.org

Erin Archibald-Hall, PharmD, BCPPS
Rotation(s): Pediatrics
Rotation Description: The PICU rotation offers the resident the opportunity to develop and apply concepts in the comprehensive management of pediatric and neonatal patients by participating in multidisciplinary team rounds, managing pharmacotherapy and pharmacokinetic consults, responding to drug information questions, and monitoring progress of patients toward therapeutic outcomes and for potential adverse events and side effects. In addition, the resident will attend all code blue/emergency events, answer drug information questions, provide education to other pharmacist and healthcare professionals, and provide topic discussions to students and residents.
Email: enarchibald-hall@novanthealth.org

Jess Boben, PharmD, BCPS, BCEMP
Rotation(s): Emergency Medicine
Rotation Description: During Emergency Medicine (EM) rotations, the resident will take on the role of the EM pharmacist. The resident will collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to treat both emergent and non-emergent patients. Activities will include medical emergency response (cardiac arrests, strokes, traumas, STEMIs, intubations, etc.), profile review to optimize medication therapy, Emergency Department (ED) culture review, answering drug information questions, patient education, order verification, system list review, attending ED committee meetings, topic discussions, and providing team member education.
Email: jessica.boben@novanthealth.org

Meghan Bryan, PharmD, BCPS
Rotation(s): Neurology, Neurocritical Care
Rotation Description: During the neurology/neurocritical care rotation, the resident will have the opportunity to see a broad range of neurological disease states including stroke, seizures, neurologic infections, while also managing additional complex medical problems. The resident will learn how to interact with an interdisciplinary rounding team and assess a patient’s pharmacologic needs from presentation in the emergency room to the post-discharge clinic. Depending on the desire of the resident, there can be a focus on the critical care setting, neurosurgery, epilepsy, or general neuro-geriatrics.
Email: mmgalloway2@novanthealth.org

Jacinta Chin, PharmD, BCPS
Rotation(s): Infectious Diseases
Rotation Description: The resident will collaborate with providers and other pharmacists in the antimicrobial management of patients at multiple community hospitals with an emphasis on antimicrobial stewardship principles. Topic discussions will be tailored to the resident's experience during rotation and may include infectious disease states, microbiology, and comprehensive review of antimicrobials. Projects may include a patient case presentation, journal club presentation, and/or other projects based on current events.
Email: jacintachin@novanthealth.org

Stanley Dowell, PharmD, MBA, MHA
Rotation(s): Staffing/Service Leadership
Rotation Description: The primary goal of the Staffing/Service Leadership experience is to prepare the resident to function as an independent and versatile licensed pharmacist within the hospital setting upon completion of the residency program. The resident will develop competency in order verification, clinical monitoring, and the range of pharmacy dosing protocols at Novant Health. The resident will also gain experience managing central pharmacy operations including dispensing of medications in accordance with hospital policy, overseeing a team of pharmacy technicians, and troubleshooting technological issues.
Email: swdowell@novanthealth.org

Charlotte Dunderdale, PharmD, BCCCP
Rotation(s): Critical Care
Rotation Description: The Medical Intensive Care Unit rotation offers the resident the opportunity to apply his/her patient management skills by providing a comprehensive pharmaceutical service including: pharmacotherapy consults, pharmacokinetic analysis, drug information, and intensive monitoring of critically ill patients. The resident will be an active participant in the interdisciplinary team and various committees as applicable.
Email: cdunderdale@novanthealth.org

Suzanne Florczyk, PharmD, BCMTMS
Rotation(s): Internal Medicine, Novant Health Huntersville Medical Center
Rotation Description: The goals of this rotation are to provide the resident with the opportunity to develop skills in providing pharmaceutical care to adult medicine patients and to acquire an understanding of the pharmacist’s role on the healthcare team. The resident will attend patient care rounds with the Family Medicine residents and will develop skills in reviewing medication profiles, assessing medication regimens, interdisciplinary care and supportive care of the hospitalized adult patient in a community setting.
Email: smflorczyk@novanthealth.org

Austin Freeman, PharmD, BCPS, BCCP
Rotation(s): Cardiology
Rotation Description: The goals of the cardiology rotation are to provide the resident with the opportunity to develop skills in providing intensive pharmaceutical care and monitoring of cardiology patients, as well as acquire an understanding of the pharmacist's role on the health care team for this service line. The resident will participate in patient care rounds with nurse practitioners, primary care physicians, dieticians, social workers, and pharmacists.
Email: azfreeman@novanthealth.org

Kathleen Gafford, PharmD, BCPS
Rotation(s): Internal Medicine, Novant Health Huntersville Medical Center
Rotation Description: The goals of this rotation are to provide the resident with the opportunity to develop skills in providing pharmaceutical care to adult medicine patients and to acquire an understanding of the pharmacist’s role on the healthcare team. The resident will attend patient care rounds with the Family Medicine residents and will develop skills in reviewing medication profiles, assessing medication regimens, interdisciplinary care and supportive care of the hospitalized adult patient in a community setting.
Email: kgafford@novanthealth.org

Alyssa Gould, PharmD, BCIDP
Rotation(s): Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Stewardship
Rotation Description: The resident will have the opportunity to participate in various antimicrobial stewardship activities at multiple community hospitals within Novant Health. Residents will evaluate antimicrobial regimens and collaborate with providers and other pharmacists to ensure patients receive appropriate and streamlined therapy. Topic discussions may include antimicrobial drug classes, infectious disease states, and microbiology. The rotation will be tailored towards the resident’s knowledge and interests within infectious diseases.
Email: alyssa.gould@novanthealth.org
Katie Gray PharmD, BCPPS
Rotation(s): Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Rotation Description: The pediatric hematology/oncology rotation provides the resident with the opportunity to develop skills in providing pharmaceutical care to pediatric hematology/oncology patients and to acquire an understanding of the pharmacist's role on the health care team for this service. The resident will participate in patient care rounds with nurse practitioners, primary care physicians and pharmacists. The resident will develop skills in reviewing medication profiles, assessing chemotherapy regimens, and supportive care of the patient.
Email: kandricopulos@novanthealth.org

Courtney Harper, PharmD, BCCCP, CPP
Rotation(s): Internal Medicine
Rotation Description: Residents will have the opportunity to develop clinical skills in providing pharmaceutical care to adult medicine patients including pharmacotherapy consults, pharmacokinetic analysis, drug information, chronic disease state management and intensive monitoring of patients. Primary resident responsibilities include developing an adult internal medicine knowledge base pertaining to common disease states, reviewing medication profiles, assessing medication regimens and participating in interdisciplinary care. Residents will also gain exposure to and develop rapports with the Novant Health Inpatient Care Specialists team of providers.
Email: clharper@novanthealth.org

Larissa Madden, PharmD, BCCP
Rotation(s): Cardiac Critical Care, Cardiac Surgery
Rotation Description: Residents will have the opportunity to develop the necessary skills to care for critically ill cardiac patients. During the rotation, residents will provide comprehensive medication monitoring and participate as an active member of the interdisciplinary healthcare team. Experiences unique to this rotation include the application of invasive hemodynamic monitoring and the opportunity to care for patients with temporary mechanical circulatory support devices.
Email: lmmadden@novanthealth.org

Kiet Nguyen, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCIDP
Rotation(s): Infectious Diseases
Rotation Description: The Infectious Diseases Elective rotation is a hybrid rotation that primarily combines ID consult and antibiotic stewardship in the setting of a community hospital. It may incorporate additional clinic experience depending on the resident’s interest. Flexibility will allow residents to tailor their experience. Rotation activities will include patient review, topic discussions, drug information/counseling, and precepting as applicable.
Email: kznguyen@novanthealth.org

Meagan Adamsick O’Brien, PharmD, BCIDP
Rotation(s): Infectious Diseases
Rotation Description: The resident will provide antimicrobial stewardship services at our tertiary care facility, Presbyterian Medical Center. The resident will be responsible for evaluation of antimicrobial regimens and assist with optimization and/or education to providers and pharmacists as needed. Topic discussions may include antimicrobial drug classes, infectious disease states, and microbiology.
Email: madamsick@novanthealth.org

Sarah Palacio, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, CPP
Rotation(s): Ambulatory Care
Rotation Description: Residents will gain experience across various outpatient pharmacy services; including, primary care, heart failure, endocrinology, transitions of care, and population health. This rotation is a combination of on-site experiences at Southern Piedmont Primary care and various Heart failure clinics in the Charlotte market, as well as virtual learning experiences. Disease states covered include diabetes, osteoporosis, weight loss, hyperlipidemia, heart failure and other chronic disease states. This elective rotation can be adjusted to meet the interests of the resident.
Email: spalacio@novanthealth.org

Brad Peterson, PharmD, MS
Rotation(s): Administration
Rotation Description: Pharmacy administration oversees the breadth of services at Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center including all patient populations such as trauma, behavioral health, hospice, infusion center patients, and everything in-between. The resident will gain exposure to the pharmacist’s role of supporting and developing acute care operational workflow to conduct the strategic plan of the pharmacy enterprise while maintaining Novant Health's mission, vision, and values. The aim of the rotation is for the resident to develop an understanding of hospital operations, strategic planning, medication safety and quality, and how the pharmacy can best improve outcomes of our patients.
Email: brpetersen@novanthealth.org

Audreanna Sahmanovic, PharmD, BCPS
Rotation(s): Emergency Medicine
Rotation Description: During Emergency Medicine (EM) rotations, the resident will take on the role of the EM pharmacist. The resident will collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to treat both emergent and non-emergent patients. Activities will include medical emergency response (cardiac arrests, strokes, traumas, STEMIs, intubations, etc.), profile review to optimize medication therapy, Emergency Department (ED) culture review, answering drug information questions, patient education, order verification, system list review, attending ED committee meetings, topic discussions, and providing team member education.
Email: asahmanovic@novanthealth.org

Kayla Strickler, PharmD, BCPS
Rotation(s): Transitions of Care
Email: kstrickler@novanthealth.org

Nakiya Whitfield, PharmD, BCACP
Rotation(s): Transitions of Care
Rotation Description: This experience consists of care for patients with a focus on specific disease states and patients who are at high-risk for readmission. The resident will develop skills through full chart reviews, conducting medication reconciliations, completing patient education, and implementing therapeutic interventions through appropriate preventative and treatment medication regimens prior to discharge.
Email: nwhitfield@novanthealth.org