Call our office to schedule your appointment or schedule online through MyChart. For life-threatening emergencies, please call 911.
Same day appointments
Same day appointments are reserved for sick and injured patients. Appointments for physicals, follow ups, pap smears, re-checks etc may be scheduled for another day, depending on provider schedules.
Late policy
A patient is considered late if they arrive more than 15 minutes after their appointment time. The appointment may be rescheduled for another time, depending on the provider’s schedule.
No show policy
A patient is considered a no show if they do not keep their scheduled appointment. Please call our office 24 hours in advance if you are unable to keep your appointment.
What to bring
Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment so we can update and collect the necessary information from you
- Insurance card
- Photo ID
- Method of copay or payment
- Completed forms (if you are a new patient)
- Current medications you are taking
Payment will be due at the time of service. We accept cash, check, debit card and most major credit cards. If you have questions about the copay you will owe or if your visit will be covered, please call your insurance company.
Patient forms
Printing and completing these forms ahead of your scheduled visit can help expedite your wait time:
• Authorization To Disclose Health Or Billing Information