Children under 13 should not visit Novant Health hospitals in NC at this time. (Some exceptions are allowed.) Let's reduce the rising spread of respiratory illnesses together.
Visitor restrictions
Are you planning to accompany or visit a patient at Novant Health?
Our team takes extra steps to ensure your health and safety while in our facilities.
Visitation requirements and exceptions
Visitors may be allowed if they are healthy. Anyone experiencing respiratory virus symptoms is encouraged to help control the spread of the illness by not visiting patients in the hospital. Symptoms include fever, headaches/body aches/pain, cough, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, chills, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Children of all ages are permitted to accompany adults to Novant Health hospitals, imaging centers and outpatient surgery centers, unless their situation meets a specific exception. Certain units such as behavioral health, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and critical care generally require visitors to be age 13 or older, unless there is a compassionate care reason to allow for an exception.
Children may also accompany adults to appointments at doctor’s offices and clinics if child care is not available.
Children must always be directly supervised by an accompanying adult who is not the patient.
As encouraged during the COVID-19 pandemic and flu season, everyone should consider their personal risk when considering masking. Masking is highly encouraged during respiratory virus season and people exhibiting symptoms of a respiratory virus will be asked to wear a mask.
Masking may be required masking in treatment areas for high-risk patients, including those in isolation.
Patients may request their care teams wear masks during treatment and clinic visits.
Number of visitors
In general, most patients hospitalized at Novant Health facilities in North Carolina will be allowed to have an unrestricted number of visitors. Our team may limit the number of visitors at a time in any area or patient room due to space, care concerns or to comply with safety protocols.
Visiting hours
In most units of our hospitals, visiting hours end at 10 p.m., unless the visitor is spending the night.