
In addition to our core family medicine faculty and hospitalist team, the Novant Health family medicine residency program in the Charlotte region is fortunate to have an active and engaged group of community preceptors from many specialties teach several of the subspecialty rotations.
Our curriculum follows a 13-block rotation schedule; each block is 4 weeks long. The outline of our rotations for each year is as follows.

All rotations take place in the Charlotte area.

First postgraduate year (PGY I)


Rotation Length
Family medicine inpatient 12 weeks
Obstetrics 4 weeks
Inpatient pediatrics 4 weeks
Newborn nursery/NICU 2 weeks

Outpatient & hospital-hospital based

Rotation Length
General surgery 2 weeks


Rotation Length
Orthopedics/sports medicine 4 weeks
Psychiatry and behavioral health 4 weeks
Family medicine 4 weeks
Pediatrics 4 weeks
Dermatology 4 weeks
Radiology/POCUS 4 weeks
Family medicine 4 weeks
Elective 4 weeks

Second postgraduate year (PGY II)


Rotation Length
Family medicine inpatient 12 weeks
Obstetrics 4 weeks
Pediatric emergency medicine 2 weeks


Rotation Length
Electives 8 weeks
Family medicine 4 weeks
Geriatrics 4 weeks
Gynecology 4 weeks
Health systems management/population health 4 weeks
Hospice/palliative care 2 weeks
PBLI longitudinal curriculum 2 weeks
ENT 2 weeks
Urgent care 2 weeks
Community medicine 2 weeks

Third postgraduate year (PGY III)


Rotation Length
Family medicine inpatient 8 weeks
Emergency medicine 4 weeks


Rotation Length
Electives 12 weeks
Family medicine 8 weeks
Neurology/headache 4 weeks
Cardiology 4 weeks
Endocrinology 4 weeks
Ortho selective 4 weeks
Pediatrics 4 weeks

Enhanced curriculum

Discovery how we set you up for long-term success through specialty tracks, osteopathic recognition, our health equity focus, and more.