Temporary visitor restrictions in effect

Children under 13 should not visit Novant Health hospitals in NC at this time. (Some exceptions are allowed.) Let's reduce the rising spread of respiratory illnesses together.

New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital

Novant Health New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital is a short-stay psychiatric crisis stabilization hospital in Wilmington, NC. We provide a safe, secure environment for you to receive support while caring for your physical and mental well-being.

Our team of behavioral health professionals include board-certified psychiatrists, physician assistants, psychiatric nurse practitioners, psychiatric technicians, substance abuse counselors, screening counselors, clinical licensed social workers and psychologists. We are focused on helping you feel better and regain control of your life.

The services you need, when you need them

  • Psychiatric evaluation
  • Electroconvulsive therapy
  • Individual and group counseling
  • Medication management
  • Referrals for continuing care
A woman has her hands across her heart as she talks amongst those in her support group.

Getting around our facility

Statue at the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Front Entrance

New Hanover Regional Medical Center

Find directions to New Hanover Regional Medical Center, a map of our campus and where to park.

Hospital Stay

If you are admitted to the New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital, you will generally spend three to seven nights with us. The following information will help you know what to expect.

What to bring 

  • ID card
  • Insurance card
  • Three changes of comfortable clothes without belts, inappropriate logos or draw strings
  • Comfortable shoes without laces or heels
  • Toiletries, eyewear, dentures, and containers for these items   
  • Sleepwear
  • List of your current medications (leave medications at home)

Please leave at home 

  • Razors
  • Pillows or bed linens
  • Hats
  • Sunglasses
  • Boots
  • Clothes hangers
  • Flat irons and curling irons
  • Electronic devices, such as computers or tablets
  • Sharp items, such as tweezers, sewing needles or wire/metal bound notebooks
  • Nail polish or nail polish remover
  • Toys, games or stuffed animals
  • Musical instruments
  • Metal objects

We recommend that you leave all valuables at home, as we cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items.

Patient identification

To protect your privacy, we will assign you a patient code number when you check in. We will use this number to:

  • Verify your medications and treatment
  • Allow your loved ones to visit, bring you belongings and get updates on your status

You have the right to decide who gets your identification number.


In order to minimize distractions, please leave your personal cell phone at home. Telephones are available for you to use at certain times during the day. Please ask a team member about specific phone rules.

Safety and security

The New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital is secured 24 hours a day.

Weapons, drugs and alcoholic beverages are not allowed on Novant Health property.

Visit a patient

We encourage you to support and stay involved in your loved one’s care. The following guidelines will help you know what to expect when visiting a patient in the New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital.

Visitor guidelines

  • Visitors and loved ones can spend time together in a common area of the hospital rather than in patient rooms.
  • Patients can only have two visitors at a time.

Tobacco-free campus 

Smoking, e-cigarettes and the use of tobacco products are prohibited anywhere on Novant Health facilities, including sidewalks, parking structures and inside vehicles parked or driving through campus.